Source code for skosprovider_getty.providers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains classes that implement 
:class:`skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider` against the LOD version of
the Getty Vocabularies (AAT, TGN and ULAN).

.. note::
    | At initialisation, the Getty providers will search which gvp-classes of the gvp-ontology are a subclass of skos-classes.
    | This can cause a time delay of several seconds at startup.


import requests
import warnings
import logging

from language_tags import tags
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from skosprovider.exceptions import ProviderUnavailableException
from skosprovider.providers import VocabularyProvider
from skosprovider_getty.utils import (
    uri_to_id, uri_to_graph,

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GettyProvider(VocabularyProvider): """A provider that can work with the GETTY rdf files of """ def __init__(self, metadata, **kwargs): """ Constructor of the :class:`skosprovider_getty.providers.GettyProvider` :param (dict) metadata: metadata of the provider :param kwargs: arguments defining the provider. * Typical arguments are `base_url`, `vocab_id` and `url`. The `url` is a composition of the `base_url` and `vocab_id` * You can also pass a custom :class:`skosprovider_getty.utils.SubClassCollector` to override default behaviour with the subclasses keyword. * You can also pass a custom requests session with the session keyword. * The :class:`skosprovider_getty.providers.AATProvider` is the default :class:`skosprovider_getty.providers.GettyProvider` """ if not 'default_language' in metadata: metadata['default_language'] = 'en' if 'subject' not in metadata: metadata['subject'] = [] self.metadata = metadata self.base_url = kwargs.get('base_url', '') self.vocab_id = kwargs.get('vocab_id', 'aat') self.url = kwargs.get('url', self.base_url + self.vocab_id) self.subclasses = kwargs.get('subclasses', SubClassCollector(GVP)) self.session = kwargs.get('session', requests.Session()) @property def concept_scheme(self): return self._get_concept_scheme() def _get_concept_scheme(self): return conceptscheme_from_uri( self.url, session=self.session ) def _get_language(self, **kwargs): if 'language' in kwargs: return kwargs['language'] return self.metadata['default_language']
[docs] def get_by_id(self, id, change_notes=False): """ Get a :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection` by id :param (str) id: integer id of the :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` :return: corresponding :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept`. Returns None if non-existing id """ graph = uri_to_graph('%s/%s.rdf' % (self.url, id), session=self.session) if graph is False: log.debug('Failed to retrieve data for %s/%s.rdf' % (self.url, id)) return False # get the concept things = things_from_graph(graph, self.subclasses, self.concept_scheme) if len(things) == 0: return False c = things[0] return c
[docs] def get_by_uri(self, uri, change_notes=False): """ Get a :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection` by uri :param (str) uri: string uri of the :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` :return: corresponding :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept`. Returns None if non-existing id """ id = uri_to_id(uri) return self.get_by_id(id, change_notes)
[docs] def find(self, query, **kwargs): '''Find concepts that match a certain query. Currently query is expected to be a dict, so that complex queries can be passed. You can use this dict to search for concepts or collections with a certain label, with a certain type and for concepts that belong to a certain collection. .. code-block:: python # Find anything that has a label of church. provider.find({'label': 'church'} # Find all concepts that are a part of collection 5. provider.find({'type': 'concept', 'collection': {'id': 5}) # Find all concepts, collections or children of these # that belong to collection 5. provider.find({'collection': {'id': 5, 'depth': 'all'}) :param query: A dict that can be used to express a query. The following keys are permitted: * `label`: Search for something with this label value. An empty \ label is equal to searching for all concepts. * `type`: Limit the search to certain SKOS elements. If not \ present `all` is assumed: * `concept`: Only return :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` \ instances. * `collection`: Only return \ :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection` instances. * `all`: Return both :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` and \ :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection` instances. * `collection`: Search only for concepts belonging to a certain \ collection. This argument should be a dict with two keys: * `id`: The id of a collection. Required. * `depth`: Can be `members` or `all`. Optional. If not \ present, `members` is assumed, meaning only concepts or \ collections that are a direct member of the collection \ should be considered. When set to `all`, this method \ should return concepts and collections that are a member \ of the collection or are a narrower concept of a member \ of the collection. :returns: A :class:`lst` of concepts and collections. Each of these is a dict with the following keys: * id: id within the conceptscheme * uri: :term:`uri` of the concept or collection * type: concept or collection * label: A label to represent the concept or collection. It is \ determined by looking at the `**kwargs` parameter, the default \ language of the provider and finally falls back to `en`. ''' # # interprete and validate query parameters (label, type and collection) # Label label = None if 'label' in query: label = query['label'] # Type: 'collection','concept' or 'all' type_c = 'all' if 'type' in query: type_c = query['type'] if type_c not in ('all', 'concept', 'collection'): raise ValueError("type: only the following values are allowed: 'all', 'concept', 'collection'") #Collection to search in (optional) coll_id = None coll_depth = None if 'collection' in query: coll = query['collection'] if not 'id' in coll: raise ValueError("collection: 'id' is required key if a collection-dictionary is given") coll_id = coll['id'] coll_depth = 'members' if 'depth' in coll: coll_depth = coll['depth'] if coll_depth not in ('members', 'all'): raise ValueError( "collection - 'depth': only the following values are allowed: 'members', 'all'") #build sparql query coll_x = "" if coll_id is not None and coll_depth == 'all': coll_x = "gvp:broaderExtended " + self.vocab_id + ":" + coll_id + ";" elif coll_id is not None and coll_depth == 'members': coll_x = "gvp:broader " + self.vocab_id + ":" + coll_id + ";" type_values = "((?Type = skos:Concept) || (?Type = skos:Collection))" if type_c == 'concept': type_values = "(?Type = skos:Concept)" elif type_c == 'collection': type_values = "(?Type = skos:Collection)" query = """ SELECT ?Subject ?Term ?Type ?Id (lang(?Term) as ?Lang) { ?Subject rdf:type ?Type; dc:identifier ?Id; %s skos:inScheme %s:; %s. OPTIONAL { {?Subject xl:prefLabel [skosxl:literalForm ?Term]} } FILTER(%s) }""" % (self._build_keywords(label), self.vocab_id, coll_x, type_values) ret= self._get_answer(query, **kwargs) language = self._get_language(**kwargs) sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return self._sort(ret, sort, language, sort_order == 'desc')
[docs] def get_all(self, **kwargs): """ Not supported: This provider does not support this. The amount of results is too large """ warnings.warn( 'This provider does not support this. The amount of results is too large', UserWarning ) return False
def _get_answer(self, query, **kwargs): # send request to getty """ Returns the results of the Sparql query to a :class:`lst` of concepts and collections. The return :class:`lst` can be empty. :param query (str): Sparql query :returns: A :class:`lst` of concepts and collections. Each of these is a dict with the following keys: * id: id within the conceptscheme * uri: :term:`uri` of the concept or collection * type: concept or collection * label: A label to represent the concept or collection. """ request = self.base_url + "sparql.json" try: res = self.session.get(request, params={"query": query}) except ConnectionError as e: raise ProviderUnavailableException("Request could not be executed - Request: %s - Params: %s" % (request, query)) if res.status_code == 404: raise ProviderUnavailableException("Service not found (status_code 404) - Request: %s - Params: %s" % (request, query)) if not res.encoding: res.encoding = 'utf-8' r = res.json() d = {} for result in r["results"]["bindings"]: uri = result["Subject"]["value"] if "Term" in result: label = result["Term"]["value"] else: label = "<not available>" item = { 'id': result["Id"]["value"], 'uri': uri, 'type': result["Type"]["value"].rsplit('#', 1)[1], 'label': label, 'lang': result["Lang"]["value"] } if uri not in d: d[uri] = item if tags.tag(d[uri]['lang']).format == tags.tag(self._get_language(**kwargs)).format: pass elif tags.tag(item['lang']).format == tags.tag(self._get_language(**kwargs)).format: d[uri] = item elif tags.tag(item['lang']).language and (tags.tag(item['lang']).language.format == tags.tag(self._get_language()).language.format): d[uri] = item elif tags.tag(item['lang']).format == tags.tag('en').format: d[uri] = item return list(d.values()) def _get_top(self, type='All', **kwargs): """ Returns all top-level facets. The returned values depend on the given type: Concept or All (Concepts and Collections). Default All is used. :param (str) type: Concepts or All (Concepts and Collections) top facets to return :return: A :class:`lst` of concepts (and collections). """ if type == "concepts" : type_values = "(?Type = skos:Concept)" else: type_values = "((?Type = skos:Concept) || (?Type = skos:Collection))" query = """SELECT ?Subject ?Id ?Type ?Term (lang(?Term) as ?Lang) { ?Subject a gvp:Facet; rdf:type ?Type; dc:identifier ?Id; skos:inScheme %s:;. OPTIONAL { {?Subject xl:prefLabel [skosxl:literalForm ?Term]} } FILTER (%s) }""" % (self.vocab_id, type_values) ret= self._get_answer(query, **kwargs) language = self._get_language(**kwargs) sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return self._sort(ret, sort, language, sort_order == 'desc')
[docs] def get_top_concepts(self, **kwargs): """ Returns all concepts that form the top-level of a display hierarchy. :return: A :class:`lst` of concepts. """ return self._get_top("concepts", **kwargs)
[docs] def get_top_display(self, **kwargs): """ Returns all concepts or collections that form the top-level of a display hierarchy. :return: A :class:`lst` of concepts and collections. """ return self._get_top(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_children_display(self, id, **kwargs): """ Return a list of concepts or collections that should be displayed under this concept or collection. :param str id: A concept or collection id. :returns: A :class:`lst` of concepts and collections. """ broader = 'broader' type_values = "((?Type = skos:Concept) || (?Type = skos:Collection))" query = """SELECT ?Subject ?Id ?Type ?Term (lang(?Term) as ?Lang) { ?Subject rdf:type ?Type; dc:identifier ?Id; skos:inScheme %s:; gvp:%s %s:%s;. OPTIONAL { {?Subject xl:prefLabel [skosxl:literalForm ?Term]} } FILTER(%s) }""" % (self.vocab_id, broader, self.vocab_id, id, type_values) ret= self._get_answer(query, **kwargs) language = self._get_language(**kwargs) sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return self._sort(ret, sort, language, sort_order == 'desc')
[docs] def expand(self, id): """ Expand a concept or collection to all it's narrower concepts. If the id passed belongs to a :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept`, the id of the concept itself should be include in the return value. :param str id: A concept or collection id. :returns: A :class:`lst` of id's. Returns false if the input id does not exists """ query = """SELECT DISTINCT ?Id{ { ?Subject dc:identifier ?Id; skos:inScheme %s:; gvp:broaderExtended %s;. } UNION { VALUES ?Id {'%s'} ?Subject dc:identifier ?Id; skos:inScheme %s:; rdf:type skos:Concept. } } """ % (self.vocab_id, self.vocab_id + ":" + id, id, self.vocab_id) print (query) res = self.session.get(self.base_url + "sparql.json", params={"query": query}) res.encoding = 'utf-8' r = res.json() result = [result['Id']['value'] for result in r['results']['bindings']] if len(result) == 0 and self.get_by_id(id) is False: return False return result
def _build_keywords(self, label): if label is None: return "" keyword_list = label.split(" ") keywords = "" for idx, item in enumerate(keyword_list): if idx + 1 == len(keyword_list): keywords = keywords + item else: keywords = keywords + item + " AND " return "luc:term '" + keywords + "';" def _sort(self, items, sort, language='en', reverse=False): if sort is None: sort = 'id' if sort == 'sortlabel': sort='label' items.sort(key=lambda item: item[sort], reverse=reverse) return items
[docs]class AATProvider(GettyProvider): """ The Art & Architecture Thesaurus Provider A provider that can work with the GETTY AAT rdf files of """ def __init__(self, metadata, **kwargs): """ Inherit functions of the getty provider using url """ GettyProvider.__init__( self, metadata, base_url='', vocab_id='aat', **kwargs )
[docs]class TGNProvider(GettyProvider): """ The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names A provider that can work with the GETTY TGN rdf files of """ def __init__(self, metadata, **kwargs): """ Inherit functions of the getty provider using url """ GettyProvider.__init__( self, metadata, base_url='', vocab_id='tgn', **kwargs )
[docs]class ULANProvider(GettyProvider): """ Union List of Artist Names A provider that can work with the GETTY ULAN rdf files of """ def __init__(self, metadata, **kwargs): """ Inherit functions of the getty provider using url """ GettyProvider.__init__( self, metadata, base_url='', vocab_id='ulan', **kwargs )